Today we discovered that it's hard to work whilst being watched by baby robins. There are a few issues. The first is that they are so cute, it's difficult to concentrate on the job in hand, and not just watch them. The second is that they tend to get pretty close, so you have to keep an eye on where they are to avoid the possibility of hurting them with a tool you are using (they probably would get out of the way in time, but we sometimes use scythes - yikes!). Then there's also the temptation to provide them with snacks when you find tasty mini beasts of appropriate size (which is what they are waiting for - don't kid yourself that they are there because they want to make friends!).
We've also got some wonderful flowers growing, which make us want to keep stopping and looking. This poppy is especially amazing, so we'll collect seeds and see if they provide the same result.
Amazing bi-coloured fringed double poppy |
Despite the distractions, Hassan, Martin and Mark managed to tidy up the weeds and revamp the fancy flowers by the front gate, so the entrance is now looking welcoming again, instead of being a display of weeds that grow well in gravel...
Mark and Hassan smarten up the entrance. Baby robin declined to sit still long enough for a focussed photo! |
Whilst the guys were doing that, Chris got the tidying bug as well, and took the opportunity to give the container garden area a good haircut.
Chris giving the container area a short back and sides |
Now you can see the containers again! |
Chris takes a well-earned rest |
We are delighted with some of the crops this year. It feels as if the improvements we made to the soil have made a big difference. The bed looking the most happy is the 3 Sisters bed, with corn, beans and squashes growing together to support each other. Everything in the bed is looking lush and growing well. This probably means something's about to go wrong, but we might as well be positive whilst we can!
The Three Sisters Bed is rocketing away |
One crop we have that's incredibly easy is callaloo. It grows so easily and it's seed is always scattered at the end of the season, so you know you'll get easily weeded seedlings as soon as the weather warms up a bit. They can be transplanted to the new bed when you do a rotation, and the rest composted. It's probably a good candidate for a late green manure or mulch crop.
Komal planted up the callaloo in the Jamaican bed |
If any readers are good on bug identification, you might be able to help, as we can't id this bug - it's about the size of a ladybird, but isn't in the main books.
Mystery bug |
Lunch was pea and bean risotto - even better than last time we did this, as we had more peas and beans to add to it. Guy is becoming a dab-hand at acting as Sous-Chef, and did a great job helping Tracey with preparation.
Guy podding peas for the risotto |
Risotto in progress - a real treat! |
Sitting down to lunch. Even the folk who weren't sure about risotto changed their minds - result! |
really looking forward to seeing Windmill in all its real-life glory, after studying photos for map purposes!