Welcome to the Secret Garden South of Bobber's Mill Bridge in Nottingham

Welcome to Windmill Community Gardens, home of the Climate Friendly Gardeners Project.

We are a group of local people, who are nurturing a wonderful community garden in the heart of the city. You'll find us just South of Bobbersmill Bridge, on the allotment site at the South end of Ascot Road. The Gardens are a great place where anyone can come to find out more about growing their own food in a changing climate. We cater for all abilities and welcome any nationality or age group.

Why not come and join us?

Monday 17 June 2024


This Thursday, June 20th at 12 noon 

With Lunch and a look at all the different language words that people have come up with for gardening activities, tools and fruit and veg.

Refugee Week started on Saturday. We're proud to be a Garden of Sanctuary, so we're marking the week with a lunch on Thursday 20th June starting at 12noon. This is to celebrate the end of our "World Garden Words" project, a collection of words from as many languages as possible, covering the basic tools, jobs and crops of our community gardens. We aim to make this available to anyone it could be useful for. We have about 35 languages currently, but if anyone would like to help us add to that number, please use this link: https://forms.gle/Z4KBkmP5KHEN5Q366As always, refugees are welcome to come to our gardens, and we're happy to support with plants, seeds and crops if anyone wants to grow where they live - we can help if you have access to a garden or just a windowsill.

As always, refugees are welcome to come to our gardens, and we're happy to support with plants, seeds and crops if anyone wants to grow where they live - we can help if you have access to a garden or just a windowsill.


Thursday June 27th, July 11th & 25th, then fortnightly until October.
11am for yoga, gardening or food preparation, shared lunch @ 12 noon.


Join us on Saturday 20th July from 12 noon to 4pm

Come and discover lots of ways to feel good as you wander round our gardens.
Foraging, forest bathing, yoga, live music, garden café, arts & crafts, massages, herbal walk, circus skills
Our green urban space brings together people of all abilities, local & diverse communities
This event will help us raise money for our charity, all donations welcome

Monday 8 April 2024


The following dates are what we have planned for 2024

Please email: WCGnottingham@gmail.com for more details.


April 18th - Thursday - launch of World Garden Words

We will be welcoming local people from many ethnic backgrounds and sharing food and garden language

May 1st - Visit to AMC Gardens 5-6pm for volunteers

Saturday May 4th lunchtime AGM.  12 to 2pm.  Please bring a picnic.  Open to all, especially if you want to join our management committee.

May 15th - Plant and Seed Swap and general nice things from 5.30 to 7.30pm.

June 1st & 2nd - Green Hustle Weekend - Stall in Old Market Square

June 15th - Refugee Week - Stall at Sneinton Market

June 20th - Garden Words launch lunch

July 20th - Saturday - Feel Good Garden Party - Come and join us for relaxing and fun activities and food.

Outdoor Fun Sessions 

With Small Steps Big Changes for the under 4's

29 March

5 April

12 April

2 August 

9 August

16 August

23 August

30 August

25 Oct

1 Nov

23 Dec (This date might change)

As well as these activities, we have our regular gardening sessions from 10 to 1pm every Monday and 10 to 1pm and 1 to 4pm every Thursday, except for Bank Holidays.  We will be cooking food on some Thursdays over the summer along with exercise and craft sessions.  More details later.

Our space, or part of it is available to use at other times .


Friday 2 February 2024



  Our wild garden is beginning to take shape.  As you can see from the photo, we now have a wide wood chip path allowing access to the whole area and far less brambles than there used to be.  This is thanks to several work parties and our regular volunteers.  Volunteers from local companies have been the Good Gym and VF, clothing manufacturers, along with Lucy the Nottingham Forager's groups, and they have achieved more than we could have hoped for on our own.  So thankyou to all of them and to all the people who donated to our crowd funding last year.  We raised £6,725 (minus commission), which will buy a new shelter and other necessary items and help with match funding from grant funders.  The shelter will be a simple structure to replace the old shed and greenhouse at the back of the photo.

The Good Gym

Work Team from VF


A video of the Queerly Wild group at work
Copy and Paste into your browser.

A donation to the Really Wild Space

As you can see from the photos, this is a wet space in the autumn and winter.  To aid drainage, someone has created two "wells", which are brick tanks.  One of them is filled in, but the other provided useful water in last years dry spell.  The plan is to repair the walls and fence them off to keep them safe.  We are hoping to have children's activities in the garden, so are aware of safety issues, as well as providing some "equipment" for them.  We have already been left a large pipe and are considering a tree swing and willow structure.  The plan is on going, so any other ideas are welcome.  The space will also be used for an adult quiet space and Lucy the Forager is creating an area that can be used for meditation etc.  She is also utilising two old coal bunkers to grow mushrooms in.

Lucy reusing an old coal bunker

Apart from the winter waterlogging, the main reason that we decided to create a wild garden, was the number of trees there.  There is a massive Ash tree on one side and there was also a large Eucalyptus by the opposite fence, which blew down in a freak hurricane in autumn 2022.  a blessing in disguise, as it was blocking a lot of light.  The allotment committee members very kindly chopped most of it for us and took it away, but left us with the stump and a piece that can be made into a seat.  Other trees, include a large Walnut, plum trees, a conference pear, an apple, two Contorted Willows, which unfortunately were knocked down by the falling Eucalyptus.  Also several Alders, which are a water loving species and some shrubs including red stemmed Dogwood.  We are planning on creating a small Willow Carr with more varieties than we have at present.  The stems will be used for willow weaving.

The fallen Willows and an Alder Tree

As well as existing trees and shrubs, there were a lot of flowers, native and garden, in the allotment when we took it over.  These include some impressive Elecampane which are much loved by our friendly herbalist, Katherine Bellchambers.  Snowdrops have just come into flower and we planted bluebells last year to add to the woodland ecosystem.  We are focusing on native plants which will be used by Lucy the Forager and Katherine the herbalist, but because it is an old allotment, there will be non native species too.

Now the flood waters have subsided, we are all keen to complete the basic work on the garden and are coming up with interesting ideas to make it enjoyable for everyone.  Please come and join in as a volunteer, or, if you are unable to do that, come and visit, or maybe consider using the space in the future.  Finally, many thanks to Tracey Lloyd, Mary Parkes, Lucy the Forager and the Windmill Gardens allotment committee, who have helped get this project off the ground.

Rosie Jarrett 2.2.2024.

Information on Foraging: https://www.facebook.com/Thenottinghamforager

Information on Herbal matters: https://www.nottingham-herbalist.co.uk/


Tuesday 31 October 2023

The Real Wild Space

The Real Wild Space - https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/p/therealwildspace

Dear all,

I hope you are well.

I wanted to let you know we have started a crowdfunding Project for which we are aiming to raise £6,000. We would love it if you could donate using the link below to access our Project page. Donate what you can, any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

The Real Wild Space:


Windmill Community Gardens

Saturday 23 September 2023

Another lovely volunteering day

visit our Facebook for more details
Another lovely volunteering day at Windmill Community Gardens we are open to all for volunteers to come and enjoy the great outdoors & help nurture the garden & make good use of its harvest.
Mondays 10-1 or Thursdays 10-4
Hope to see you soon 😊

Thursday 21 September 2023

Pumpkin Day 🎃

Date for your diaries ... Our Pumpkin Day 🎃 is back!!! Saturday 29th October.

Monday 18 September 2023

Harvest Festival 2023

What a lovely day at the Harvest Festival on Saturday at the Forest. Some people had come down especially, others just were curious what was happening as they were enjoying a walk, played sport, had family fun on the playgrounds.

Windmill Community Gardens stall we connected with some great people. Shared some apple or pumpkin pancakes, had fun with our magic apple peeler/corer/slicer ... apple bobbing & "did we beat the squirrels?" cobnut challenge