Welcome to the Secret Garden South of Bobber's Mill Bridge in Nottingham

Welcome to Windmill Community Gardens, home of the Climate Friendly Gardeners Project.

We are a group of local people, who are nurturing a wonderful community garden in the heart of the city. You'll find us just South of Bobbersmill Bridge, on the allotment site at the South end of Ascot Road. The Gardens are a great place where anyone can come to find out more about growing their own food in a changing climate. We cater for all abilities and welcome any nationality or age group.

Why not come and join us?

Thursday 17 May 2012

Stop Press! The nest is occupied!

You may remember that a few weeks ago, we found that a bird was trying to nest on the narrow ledge above the sink in the outdoor kitchen. We thought it was a robin's nest, because we'd seen a robin sitting on the work surface there. Because the nest kept falling into the sink, the volunteers decided to create a better nesting shelf near the front of the structure, and we moved the nesting material onto it, without much hope that this would work.

Well, we are now delighted to announce that the nest is occupied, by wrens! We've been aware of a wren flying around the area during the last week, and suddenly realised that it's actually going too and from the nest, and obviously feeding young. Hopefully there are actually two wrens, but if there are, we can't tell them apart, and we haven't seen them together. Apparently the male wren sometimes has a hareem, so some wren mums don't get as much help raising their chicks as others. From a brief glimpse, we think there are at least 2 nestlings, but they keep themselves well hidden and we've just seen their beaks. They are also very quiet, and we've only heard them chirping once. We're really hoping to see them leave the nest - we hear that the babies are the cutest thing the bird world has to offer, like tiny balls of fluff with tails that zoom about as they learn to fly.

We'll keep you posted as to how they get on.

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